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John.8.32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (KJV)
John.8.45 But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me [do not trust Me, do not rely on Me, or adhere to Me]. (AMP)

We are living in perilous times, Jesus Christ declared that the truth will set us free when we know it and many who claim to know it are still bound. 

The same people who claimed or pretended to stand for the truth did not believe Him in John 8:45.

Today people Pretend in everything they do you can no longer tell who is being fake or true because the same people who stand for the truth are the ones who do evil more than anyone else.

People pretend to be Christians (The Word is not in them), we pretend to love for the sake of benefits known to individuals, we partner in business for the sake of selfish, classic and material reasons and we pretend even more here, people pretend to be best of friends and yet they sleep with their friends partners now i see the words of prophet Jeremiah come alive when He said anyone lies to his neighbour who can you trust in Jeremiah 9?

You go to church where we suppose to get the truth and you find everyone is pretending against each other, we know the Pastor is sleeping with church members but we choose to pretend everything is alright, we can't stand the truth,we dont want to hear the truth and hide behind the grace of God 😪😪😔😔😴.

True love doesn't exist anymore we are all in a marriages or relationships for one reason or another, true Christians are very few because honestly speaking our churches are filled with false prophets and Christians.

When i read The book of Revelations and they speak about 144 000 saints being saved i used to think its a small number considering the millions of people that fill up churches but now i think i understand.

We need to go back to the TRUTH and then only we can be free indeed. Christian women dont respect their Husband like Sarah did Abraham, Christian men dont love their wives like Jesus Christ loved the church 😔😔😔.

Prophet TB Joshua always said True Christianity lies in the Heart. 

Today our hearts are evil no wonder we can't see God because only the Pure in hearts can see God.

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